What is the TE:D Learning Programme?
Technology Enabled (TE:D) learning programme is an initiative by the school to change the way we teach and learn. We view this as an important step forward to bring about greater engagement in learning and prepare our students for a future where technology will become even more pervasive in their lives than it already is today. TE:D will require students to bring their own personal device which they will use at school and home, allowing learning to transit smoothly between home and school.
Using technology in the classroom is not only about the introduction of devices to make lessons interesting and engaging. It is about the mindful design of lessons where technology is used as an effective tool to activate learners’ curiosity and imagination, promote thinking and discussions as well as to allow students to demonstrate their application of learning. It not only facilitates greater interaction between students and teachers but also students with students.
Through TE:D, teachers will be able to design lessons using embedded formative assessment strategies. They will be able to assess students’ learning, provide timely feedback and facilitate intervention for learning. This is aimed at providing individualised attention for students in a large classroom setting.
In addition, with the Ministry of Education’s (MOE) introduction of the Student Learning Space (SLS) for every student enrolled in our Singapore schools, students now have greater access to high quality digital content that is aligned to our national curriculum. Students can learn at their own pace, revisit concepts and read up on other areas of interest promoting self-directed learning. TE:D will leverage SLS to enhance teaching and learning.